Friday, August 6, 2010


So I woke up at klokker 6 på morgen i morges to get to the policestation by 7:30 because apparently there's always a massive queue outside. This, despite the fact that the station opens at 8:15. Surely I'd be the first person there right?

Wrong. Upon arrival, there were already 10 people huddled around the entrance like some illicit drug exchange (accentuated by the fact that we all looked like illegal boat people), and by the time the doors opened there were at least 50 people behind the line... It was all very civil though, as soon as the doors opened. I could see a few dodgy people trying to cut line, and we were all um-ing and ah-ing until this African chick who was directly before me in line was like "fuck this shit..." and decided to make it clear, before the doors opened, who was where in line so that we'd enter in a single-file fashion. Props to her for taking charge...she probably picked up a few tricks from the refugee camp (unless she wasn't from a refugee camp...).

Anyway, this morning I got my Study Permit Visa, following which I applied (optionally) for a D-number. The D-number is essentially a temporary Norwegian Identity Number. Students studying for 6 months or less get a temporary one, and everyone else including native Norwegians get a permanent number. Up at the counter, the lady discovered that A) I was from Australia (coz I just look so Australian right?...totally not a boat person...) and B) my visa allows me 7 months, upon which she decided to give me a permanent number. I was like, are you sure? I'm only going to be here for 6 months. And she was like, nah, it'll be easier for you if you want to live here in future. Which got me thinking....nah, I'll stop the thought right there. I'll be living in Melbourne. Australia. Nor Australia.

This left me with some time to wander around the city. I chose to wander through Grønland, which is basically the immigrant area in East side of Oslo. This was for several reasons. 1) Reconnect with ethnic people. 2) Scout for cheap Asian food. 3) Scout for cheap groceries - some of the veges were half the price of that in local supermarkets. 4) Tofu. 5) Simply coz when in doubt, go to Chinatown. Except there is no Chinatown here. There're heaps of Africans and Pakistanis in Grønland though.

Anyway, to wrap up, I had a proud moment today. I was buying rice at the store and this is what happened at the counter.

Counterguy: 'Hei hei'
Kevin: 'Hei'
Counterguy: 'Seksti krone'
Kevin hands over money.
Counterguy: 'Pose?'
Kevin: 'Nei takk'

Okay fine. So the only part actually noteworthy is the fact that I understood when he said 'pose?' (pronounced poo-seh and meaning - u wanna bag?) Baby steps...

PS: I can read and identify most grocery price tags now without visualizing said product. Also, I discovered how to type alphabet such as ø, å & æ with a simple step on my mac. I'm going to go ape shit with this.


I'll stop now...


  1. hey hey! is that a FULL conversation in norsk? nice work!

  2. Ja, det var en hele samtale på norsk. Lol, I'm like a baby sponge now. I learnt how to say receipt as well "Kvittering", so next time they say that to me I won't look blank and I'll say nei as well, and I think I'll progress to say "Ha det bra', which means Have a good one/Bye!

    My goal is to ask a question in norsk, get a reply, understand it (and hopefully no need to clarify because that will need more words that I probably lack in my vocabulary), and then simply reply with thank you, have a good one.

  3. Baby steps! At least they didn't ask you "Are you speaking Spanish?" when you were speaking French like the time at that station in Paris.

  4. Nah, they'll ask me if I'm speaking Danish/Swedish maybe...hehe
